
Are You Concerned?

Under 5s


Jacob is 3 years old and a lively, noisy little boy who loves the outdoors and messy play. His parents Lynn and Jason are becoming increasingly concerned about Jacob’s eating habits and his behaviour at mealtimes.

School-age children


Freya is a sweet and clever eight year-old girl who loves to dance. She is very popular with all her friends. She lives with her mother Leean and her grandmother Amira. Since her parents separated a year ago, Amira has noticed that Freya worries a lot.



Josh is fifteen. He used to be a happy, carefree boy with a great sense of humour, always telling jokes. For at least six months he has been feeling that his life is out of control, and sometimes feels it is pointless.

Theyarethefuture (TATF) and our Parent Clubs

Theyarethefuture (TATF) is the first place to visit when looking for guidance.  TATF provides a comprehensive set of articles, courses and two parent “clubs” for those who would like to access live and on-demand workshops.

Everlief Parent Club is an online membership for parents, brought to you by the team at Everlief.  There are two clubs – one for primary aged and one for secondary age.

Inside the private members’ area parents (or teachers!) will have exclusive access to:

  1. Expert workshops EVERY month
  2. “Ask Us Anything” expert sessions by video in your portal
  3. A private community forum within your secure portal, PLUS
  4. Library of pre-recorded expert workshops on a wide range of topics.

11-plus appeal support – 2023

Hopefully all the year 6 children will get the 11-plus score you were expecting so they can choose the right school for them.  This year results come out on Friday 13th Oct and appeals need to be in by Friday 3rd November.
When the results come in, if the result does not seem a fair reflection you may be considering an appeal.
The school will help you with this and will provide their view. However it can also be useful to have a cognitive assessment as independent evidence.
The WISC V looks at a child’s ability and compares to the population. Naturally this gives a useful comparison to the 11-plus results. We will have some pre-booked spaces which will give you the results in time for the deadline. Please call Mike on 01494 521332 if you would like to book one of these.

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